My friend from Math Dyal has been so inspired by brain research that she's changed the way her students use their interactive notebooks....
My Algebra 1 students struggled with inequalities a lot more than I thought they would. When I taught this unit, I spent time solving one a...
I think Congruent Triangles is my favorite unit of Geometry.  I also really like Right Triangles…  Anyway, I wanted to share some of the in...
In Algebra 1, I split the Solving Equations unit into two parts.  The first part was just all of the standard solving equations.  In the se...
To finish up our Parallel Lines unit in Geometry, we talked about equations of parallel and perpendicular lines.  You can find the pages fo...
I just tested my students over parallel lines in Geometry and they did much better than I expected!  Their proof skills are improving so mu...
I’m gonna be completely honest.  When I was teaching Algebra 2 Honors for the first time, I was super nervous to teach logarithms.  I ...
I’m starting to wrap up my solving equations unit in Algebra 1.  My kids are doing well.  This entire unit seemed to be a review from their...