Ratios, Rates, and Proportions INB Pages

In Algebra 1, I split the Solving Equations unit into two parts.  The first part was just all of the standard solving equations.  In the second part I did ratios, rates, and proportions.  

On this page, I had my students do a review of ratios and rates from Pre-Algebra.  My students are very familiar with these two concepts because our Pre-Algebra teacher spends TONS of time on them.  The unit conversion at the bottom of the page was a little bit of a struggle.  I just typed out problems that I found in their textbook and online.  

Ratios and Rates interactive notebook page for algebra 1
Next, I had a page for proportions.  I copied the definition from our textbook, and typed a word problem that I found.  I used half of the foldable by Lisa Davenport.  There was another portion to this foldable, but it covered things that aren’t in our Algebra 1 standards.  

proportions foldable for algebra interactive notebooks

I put a lot of thought into how I would teach proportions this year.  I asked the MTBoS on Twitter for suggestions.  My students came to me having used cross products in the past.  So, I referenced it at the top of the page.  I ended up showing three different ways to solve algebraic proportions.  
 - I had my students get a common denominator, then multiply by the common denominator.  This was great…sort of.  They got the idea of what we were doing, but if the x was in the denominator, this method falls apart.  In Algebra 1, they don’t yet have the skills to solve this type of problem.
 - I had my students multiply by one denominator, then multiply by the other.  Essentially, it broke the cross products into two separate steps.  This confused my students a lot.
 - Last, I had my students use cross products.  They were less confused by this method, because they’ve seen it before.

I liked showing them three different ways to solve a problem. However, after that I let them choose the method they liked the best.  Most of them prefer cross products.  I haven’t graded their tests yet, so we’ll see how it went.