Students always seem to get confused about the difference between the length of an arc and the measure of an arc.  When I teach this conc...
Instead of teaching coordinate quadrilaterals throughout the quadrilaterals unit, like I normally do, I taught it all together.  It worked....
This year, I taught systems of equations right after Christmas break.  My students STRUGGLED.  I think I need to do a two-day review of g...
I teach factoring a little bit differently than most people, I think.  I only teach one method and it works every time.  There's no need...
I liked teaching Polynomials and Factoring in Algebra 1 more than I thought I would!  I was expecting my students to hate factoring, but it ...
After I taught similar polygons, triangle similarity came next!  I’m sharing the interactive notebook pages that I used for the second hal...
Triangle Similarity isn’t my favorite unit in geometry.  I have done things in the past to make it more interesting (for me at least!).  Fo...
I’m getting behind on posting my INB pages!  When I taught Quadrilaterals, I tried to include lots of extra practice pages.  I’ve been incl...
I just finished my exponents unit in Algebra 1.  It was interesting to me that some students that struggle seemed to really excel in this u...
I made my students do TONS of word problems when we studied systems of equations.  They were fine at solving the systems, but they struggle...