12 Ideas for Teaching Similar Triangles

There are so many fun activities and ideas for similar triangles! It seems like each time I teach similar triangles I add a new activity, demonstration, or project. Here are some awesome ideas for your next triangle similarity unit!

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

12 Ideas for Teaching Similar Triangles

Similarity in Polygons Unit - This unit includes guided notes and test questions for the entire triangle similarity unit. It includes Ratios, Proportions & Geometric Mean; Using Proportions to Solve Problems; Similarity in Polygons; AA, SSS, and SAS Similarity; and the Triangle Proportionality Theorems. It's a great time saver!

Similar Triangles Lesson Plan - This blog post outlines a plan to teach a similar triangles unit.  There are some great ideas here.

Triangle Similarity Interactive Notebook Pages - These interactive notebook pages are perfect for your triangle similarity unit!

Similarity and Scale Drawings - In this activity students draw their own enlarged cartoons. I do not have a rubric or directions to share, but this post explains what I did with my classes.

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

Triangle Similarity Sum 'Em Activity - This activity is a great way for students to practice word problems with proportions, and proportions in triangles. I love sum 'em activities so much because they really get students to work together.

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

Similar Triangles GeoGebra Activity - This activity on GeoGebra is an interactive way for students to see how triangles are similar. The animations are great.

Similar Triangles Using Slope - This self-directed activity is a different spin on similar triangles by using slope.

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

Similarity and Proportions Stations Maze Activity - This activity is a stations activity that is a fun way to help students practice multiple choice questions.

Similar Figures Cut and Paste Activity - This activity has word problems and problems with diagrams. It would be perfect for an interactive notebook or for a sub day.

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

SSS, SAS, and AA Similarity Theorems Geogebra Activities - These three GeoGebra activities are excellent ways of demonstrating the three triangle similarity theorems. Scroll to the bottom of the pages to see the questions at the bottom of the page. They are great too.

Similar Triangles Cut and Paste - This cut and paste activity is a fun way to help students practice AA, SSS, and SAS.

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

GeoGebra Similar Triangles Lesson - This online lesson has GeoGebra worksheets embedded to demonstrate the different theorems. It would be a great demonstration to use on a SmartBoard.

These activities and ideas are perfect for your similar triangles unit. When you are teaching triangle similarity these ideas for foldables, activities, lessons, and worksheets are great for your geometry students.

I hope you found some new ideas for your similar triangles unit!